Immigration Services

We specialize in:

Our specialty lies in immigration law and have years of experience helping Latinos and other communities in this matter. Our office offers the following service, among others: 

Petitions: It is the foundation of permanent residency by having a citizen submit a petition. The residency process is an extremely important step in the immigration process.

Citizenship: American citizenship can be requested 3 months before reaching 5 years with your residency.


Labor Petitions: A work permit is a document that can open doors for an undocumented person and also helps people aspiring to work in the USA.


DACA: We can help people under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a protection program that has helped millions of undocumented individuals.  


Green Card: We help you throughout the permanent resident application process.  

What is a family law mediator?

A mediator is a neutral person who is trained to help people talk so that all parties involved can better understand their problems and reach an agreement.


A mediator does not take the side of either party and does not pass judgment on the parties or their problems.

More information!

We can be your mediator when it comes to a family issue and help you resolve it.

It can save you money in the long run. Give us a call.

Duration varies • Prices vary

Green Card, Citizenship, DACA, Consular Process, Waivers

Monday to Friday from

9am a 5pm

2335 W Foothill Blvd
Upland, CA 91786
2335 W Foothill Blvd Upland, CA 91786

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